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    The relationship between product quality and environmental protection film blowing machine
    Author:admin Date:2015-7-10 9:32:18 Hits:

    In the new economic development, commercialization is an important feature of the production process. Film blowing machine manufacturing industry, the new film blowing machine production application of high technology, not only to adapt to the diverse needs of the market, and the country's most advanced technology, promote the production process of energy saving, not only bring economic benefits, but also increase the social welfare.

    Packaging is an integral part of the now popular packaging market, mainly plastic, paper, film blowing machine blow molding industry is mainly a large proportion of the market share, but with the paper industry increasingly stringent requirements of environmental protection and energy saving new indicators to raise the threshold in papermaking industry, resulting in the expansion of the market price of the cost of paper packaging. This makes the plastic packaging market share increase, in order to promote the development of the film blowing machine manufacturing machinery industry, environmental protection and energy saving technology of blowing machine machinery industry attention, to promote the high level of high-end film blowing machine.

    In order to meet the social needs and the needs of environmental protection products, film blowing machine will continue to introduce advanced technology, adjust the business model of the industry, promote the plastics industry to high-end forward. A new sheet of film blowing machine mechanical blowing machine blowing machine manufacturing industry, bottle blowing machine PE foam film, multilayer film blowing machine, film blowing machine, heat shrink film blowing machine, to meet the market a variety of product packaging, quality high-end blown film won the favor of the luxury goods packaging.

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